GLEN Collaborations

Current Collaborative Projects

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Wildfire & Community Resilience

Tamara Wall of the Desert Research Institute, Gisela Wendling and David Sibbet of the GLEN are working to organize a California Roundtable on Wildfire & Community Resilience. A downloadable summary of the project is included here. If you are interested in helping please contact any of the three.

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This collaboration is to explore what it means to be a fully embodied and vital man in a time of “metoo,” complex gender distinctions, mounting global and systemic challenges, the elevation of authoritarian responses to complexity, and evolving roles for young and old. Is there something like “the sacred masculine” that can partner with the rising feminine? This collaboration will provide space for in-depth sharing and insights that we will share with the larger community through different forms of media.

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This collaboration is a mutual support writing group composed of GLEN Members who are blogging regularly. The group meetings regularly, shares writing, and is evolving practices for support and critique that will amplify all of our work.

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Collaborating With Tribal People

This project is supporting the creation of a Mukungule Community Nature Conservancy (MCNC) in Zambia and its affiliated budding enterprises aimed at creating a sustainable local economy. We are also exploring the challenges and learning from cross cultural collaboration. It grows out of a series of Exchanges on this topic led by Marc Tognotti.

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Women of The GLEN

As we women come ever more fully into our own, we are creating the world we want. The purpose of the Women of the GLEN Collaboration is to foster a deeper understanding of feminine wisdom in leadership and to promote an integrated wisdom in men and women leaders for a safer, better, more humane and just world.

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Leading As Sacred Practice Continuum

This collaboration is for participants in the Leading as Sacred Practice conferences being sponsored by The GLEN in collaboration with Holger Scholz, founder of kommunikationslotsen in Germany. Material from the conferences will be posted here, along with forums for continuing exchange and sharing of resources.

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The Neuropsychology of Collaboration & Design

Neuroscience, neuropsychology, social psychology, and cognitive science are providing growing insights into how people leading collaborations and design thinking processes can create optimal environments for contribution. GLEN Exchanges held in the fall of 2017 and continuing in early 2018 ignited interest in continuing to gather references and resources, and to harvest the insights from the Exchanges to create Learning Journeys for more extended study. What are the principles and practices that neuropsychology and attendant research on mindfulness can  teach us? What is our field-based experience as process consultants. The work of this collaboration is just beginning to take shape. If you are interested in joining sign in here and the hosts will get back to you about the next steps we are taking.

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Met Council Leading Change Program

The Metropolitan Council’s Environmental Services Division in the twin cities of Minnesota initiated a change leadership effort for its staff as well as staff from Community Development and Transit. This effort supports the development of internal change leaders and visual facilitators to help with planning and organizational collaboration across functions, units, and communities. A cohort of 20 participants have come together for this 12-month learning process, using The GLEN platform to harvest and share learnings. Teams of participants are working on four action learning projects involving a range stakeholders to create innovative change and aligning integrated planning efforts.

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GLEN Evolution & Governance

This is a collaboration by The GLEN's founding members who helped create the original idea of The GLEN. During the early phases of The GLEN they are working as stewards of its growth and development. This collaboration area is a place for developing ideas, tracking needs of members and issues that need resolution, and sharing suggestions with the larger membership.

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Cebu Farmers Market—Toward Communities for Alternative Food Ecosystems

Teresa Ruelas and her collaborators are supporting farmers on the island of Cebu in the Philippines to grow organic food and market it through farmers markets. The concept of a marketplace is expanding beyond a buy-&-sell transaction to mean a place where community gathers, information on urban gardening, health benefits of certain fruits and vegetables and herbs, and recipes are being exchanged, and new business ideas are being tested. This is attracting many actors and activating needs and ideas that come from a much larger space than a market alone can hold. It is this much larger space and call that is wanting to be explored.

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Visual Consulting Book Project

David Sibbet and Gisela Wendling are currently contracted with Wiley & Sons to write a fourth book in the Wiley Visual Leadership series called Visual Consulting: Designing & Leading Change. This collaboration involves a group of invited reviewers and collaborators who are working together to help David and Gisela with content development and relevance to emerging methods and practices for leading change.